Online Training Available: Residential Fire Near Miss Incident in LaGrange, Georgia
The new “Residential Fire Near Miss Incident in LaGrange, Georgia'' online training course shares the sequence of events involving a near miss residential fire in LaGrange, GA reviews FSRI’s analysis of contributing factors and, together with the firefighters involved, reflects on key evidence-based recommendations for the fire service.
“We invite you to reflect on this incident and learn from our situation. Our hope is that by sharing this survival story, we can enhance firefighter safety, improve fireground decision-making, and increase fire service situational awareness,” said Caleb Harrison, lieutenant, LaGrange Fire Department.
“We are grateful to Caleb Harrison, Josh Williams, Jon Williamson, Jordan Avera, and the LaGrange Fire Department for giving us the opportunity to conduct this study, and their willingness to share information from this incident with the fire service. We hope that these recommendations will continue to improve the safety and effectiveness of firefighters,” said Daniel Madrzykowski, director of research, FSRI.
Access the course here.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, this course has been developed as part of the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI)’s Study of Firefighter Line of Duty Injuries and Near Misses.