FSRI, IFSI, and NIOSH Collaborative Research Featured in New Firehouse Supplement
October 15, 2019
FSRI is pleased to partner with the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) and the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) to produce a new Firehouse Supplement.

This new Firehouse Supplement highlights the results of the Cardiovascular & Chemical Exposure Risks During Training study in a media-rich digital platform.
The supplement is broken into three sections:
- Section 1: Training Fuel Considerations
- Section 2: PPE Cross Contamination Considerations
- Section 3: FAQs from the Fireground Study that can be Applied to Training
Additionally, the supplement highlights fire service leaders describing common hurdles in the pursuit of behavioral changes related to these topics and shares what is ahead for further studies.
Download a copy here:
Cardiovascular & Chemical Exposure Risk Considerations During Training
Stay Up to Date on Social Media with the Research Partners:
IFSI: Visit IFSI Research and Follow @IFSIresearch on Twitter
Globe: Visit Globe Education and Follow @globeturnout on Twitter
Cardiovascular and Chemical Exposure Risks on Today's Fire Training Ground