Basement Fires Experiments - Visitor Day
July 14, 2017
Yesterday was visitor day at the Delaware County Emergency Services Training Center for the Study of Understanding & Fighting Basement Fires (Basement Fires), a joint project with the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI). Firefighters from across the country came for a behind-the-scenes view of our research.

Dan Madrzykowski, FSRI's Director of Research, provided background on the past basement fire research, fire dynamics and significant incidents for which we are filling in gaps with this study.
Test Structure

Side A with front door at the deck level.

Side C with simulated walk out basement. Ventilation will be from escape window and slider door.
Video footage after yesterday’s basement fire experiment. This camera was placed at the glass slider door of the walkout basement. After the slider was fully ventilated, the increased oxygen flow into the basement ignited the unburned gases flowing out of the doorway.
Understanding and Fighting Basement Fires