FSRI research engineer Keith Stakes joined instructors from around the world for the “High Rise Operational Tactics Thought Leadership Event” hosted by the UK Fire Service College and coordinated by Elkhart Brass. This event was developed following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 to continue the improvement of clear and established operational tactics for firefighting tactics in tall buildings. Gathering fire service instructors from the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Italy, and Spain among others was an opportunity to come together to share unique fireground tactics and learn best practices from others around the world.

Alongside several informative sessions, Keith and Ray McCormack, FDNY (ret.), teamed up to share our research-based air entrainment, water distribution and fireground suppression tactics followed by hands-on experience with our Hose Stream Prop. Keith introduced attendees to FSRI’s Hose Stream Mechanics training based on our Water Mapping research outcomes with the Hose Stream Prop.

This prop created by FSRI, is used around the world to train firefighters on the importance of stream placement in fire suppression. Participants were given the opportunity to learn new techniques including using the Hose Stream Prop and share best practices which helped bridge the gap between tactics utilized in the U.S. and Europe.
Fire service instructors are implementing the Hands-On Training Toolkit and Hose Stream Prop around the world now in at least 13 states and now two countries outside of the U.S. Since 2020, FSRI has delivered this hands-on training to over 2500 firefighters.
Access the Hose Stream Mechanics Hands-On Training Toolkit including plans to build the prop, instructional videos and lesson plans here and access the event recap here.